Contact Info

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Hirtenstraße 19, 10178 Berlin +49 30 240 414 20 office@baro.com
9:00 - 24:00
9:00 - 24:00
9:00 - 24:00
9:00 - 02:00
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Guided by quality of products and processes and with a constant concern in having the best quality products, we seek for the best each year and whithin all your units.

Respecting all the orientations and working with the best business partners we contribute to the health of the oceans of the entire world.

Brasmar is certified since 2017 with IFSFocused on food safety and quality of processes and products, excellence in quality, costumer satisfaction and seeking competitive advantage in the market.

Along with our mindset and promoting na healthy system, The blue fish label “MSC Certification” is only applied to wild fish or seafood from fisheries certified to the MSC standard, a scientific measure of sustainable fishing.

MSC also promotes that future generations can be able to enjoy seafood and oceans full of life, forever. MSC’s mission is to use ecolabel and fishery certification program to contribute to the health of the world’s oceans by recognising and rewarding sustainable fishing practices, influencing the choices people make when buying seafood and working with our partners to transform the seafood market to a sustainable basis.

Regarding non wild fish, ASC defends that aquaculture plays a big role in supplying food and social benefits for mankind whilst minimising negative impacts on the environment.


HALAL, in the Islamic context, refers to all types of foods which Allah has made permissible.

The Halal Institute is an organisation devoted to analysing, monitoring, inspecting and certifying of halal products considered for human consumption.

This is done by ensuring that the development of products and their respective production processes follow the conditions required by Islamic law.

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