Brasmar Original
Diversity and quality
The products of our diverse “Brasmar Original” range are acquired and processed under the most rigorous quality standards, with an excellent value for money, allowing us to state that we have the biggest and widest variety of products, which is proven by the more than 200 species of fish, seafood and cephalopods marketed by us.

Brasmar Seleção
Excellent quality
Our “Brasmar Seleção” range was designed to provide higher quality sea products, coming from the best origins and selected species. This range invests in products that are subject to the most careful and rigorous processes of selection, fulfilling the most demanding quality standards, which result in outstanding products.

Brasmar Nacional
Exclusively Portuguese
Our “Brasmar Nacional” range of products was designed for octopus exclusively fished on the Portuguese coast. The Portuguese octopus is known and recognised for being a premium quality product. The secret is the habitat in where it grows, which presents optimum conditions in terms of water temperature, varied seabed and high quantity and diversity regarding the existing nutrients, enriching its diet in a unique way.

Brasmar Tradição
Typically Portuguese
Our “Brasmar Tradição” range of products was exclusively created for dried salted codfish and deep-frozen desalted codfish. All products are acquired and processed through a careful selection of the best species (Gadus morhua), coming from the best origins and subject to the exceptional Portuguese cure. All the years of experience, inherited from the Portuguese since the 15th century, give our “faithful friend” the typically Portuguese taste, flavour and texture.

Brasmar Premium
The best selection from the best origin
“Brasmar Premium” is our range for dried salted codfish and deep-frozen desalted codfish coming from the best origin (Faroe Islands), acquired and processed through a comprehensive selection of the best species (Gadus morhua) and the best specimens. Brasmar also offers its recognised yellow-cured codfish in the Brasmar Premium range.

Brasmar Naturalmente +
Flavour and convenience
``Brasmar Naturalmente +`` is a concept created to develop convenience options for the today’s consumer. Divided into different subranges, this range reflects and promotes the NATURE of its ingredients, referring to a whole new context of flavours and textures. Brasmar Naturalmente + Saboroso includes soups, pre-cooked meals and meal add-ons. Brasmar Naturalmente + Apetitoso gathers bakery and pastry options, and Brasmar Naturalmente + Delicioso is dedicated to desserts.