Brasmar renews “Sabor do Ano” award in octopus and codfish
Brasmar renews “Sabor do Ano” award in octopus and codfish
Being a “Sabor do Ano 2021” brand means offering a solution portfolio with the best overall market satisfaction. Brasmar, Portuguese leader in the seafood industry, has just renewed this distinction, maintaining, for the 5th consecutive year, the label in the cleaned octopus category and renewing for the second time the distinction in codfish with its deep-frozen soaked codfish loins and steaks.
The specialisation in the transformation and marketing of cephalopods is a strategic investment for Brasmar, with the octopus as one of its flagship products. The company established specialised facilities for the processing of octopus, investing in specific equipment to process approximately 500 tonnes of this product per month.
In what concerns codfish, the company is an important player in the transformation and marketing of this product, whose sales have an increasing importance in Brasmar’s overall turnover. Codfish processing takes place in five out of the six industrial units belonging to the company and three of them are exclusively dedicated to dried salted codfish, more specifically in Gafanha da Nazaré, Famalicão and Ålesund, Norway. Deep-frozen soaked codfish amounts to a total of 55% of Brasmar’s sales volume, the remaining 45% correspond to dried salted codfish.
According to Fátima Macedo, Brasmar Brand Manager, “It is with great satisfaction that we receive the results of the ‘Sabor do Ano 2021’ tests, in which the three products that were sent to the tasting tests won. Maintaining, for the 5th consecutive year, the label in the cleaned octopus category and renewing the label in codfish, is for us a source of pride. The flavour, aspect, aroma, texture and overall satisfaction with the product were evaluated again by consumers in a blind tasting. Besides the very positive results achieved over the years, we once again increased our results compared to last year.”
Brasmar was found 18 years ago and grew due to an enormous passion for the sea, always maintaining, over the years, a decisive proximity with the culture and tradition of the oceans.
“For Brasmar, the future is to continue to reinforce the solid quality of its products, the different quality certifications and the investment in the most advanced technology in the industry. The continuous recognition and the consumer preference are a source of pride for us, but also means increased responsibility in continuing to deliver the best product every single day”, says Fernando Roldão, Brasmar Director and responsible for the areas of codfish and octopus.
It should be noted that the company continues to develop its strategy regarding the expansion of its portfolio of products, while also focusing on new international markets, in order to sell frozen and chilled sea products all over the world.
The “Sabor do Ano” label is the only award that is exclusive to the food industry in Portugal, meaning exceptional quality and flavour. It is awarded by the consumers, establishing a quality reference that deserves the confidence of those who choose the products and of the awarded brands. The judges evaluate the flavour, aspect, aroma, texture and overall satisfaction with the product. The product obtaining the best score, on a scale from 1 to 10, among the competing products, is awarded with the “Sabor do Ano” label.